Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I've been trying to start this blog for a few days but I seem to have trouble putting things where they belong. I think the best way for me to help my readers in their home improvement and repair projects is to let them tell me what their problem is , and then post an answer.

I've been working in the construction trades all my working life and will be 79 years old this month. The past 28 years I've been a maintenance contractor for a few rental property owners in this area, so there isn't much I haven't seen in the way of problems in a residence.

Post a question here and I will give an answer for all to see. Try to be as clear as you can on what you need, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, painting, roofing or whatever. Give a good description of what it is that needs attention such as sizes, brands, material ( such as wall coverings -- sheetrock, lath & plaster, paneling). In other words Try to give me as much information as you can so I can be more precise in my answer.

Here's hoping we can get together. Try me out - it's free

Thanks, Fred

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